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How to make coffee: different extraction methods

  • Portioned formats
  • The art of making coffee has evolved over time, bringing out many techniques. We now list the different extraction methods used today, excluding filtering and press techniques, such as American coffee, french press, V60, etc...

    Espresso coffee

    Espresso coffee is the classic coffee made in Italy, strong, rich, complex. The innovation introduced by espresso was the pressure of the infusion water with a temperature below one hundred degrees.
    How to make a good espresso coffee?

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    Invented by Bialetti in 1933, together with espresso is the symbol of Italian coffee. Once it was the rule in Italian homes, today the moka has been ousted from coffee in capsules and pods.
    The moka is essentially composed of three parts: the boiler, containing the water to be brought to the boil; the mechanical filter, to be filled with finely ground coffee; and the upper part, which collects the drink.

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    Neapolitan coffee maker

    The Neapolitan coffee maker consists of a system formed by a tank drilled on the top, a cylinder drilled on the two surfaces that contains the ground coffee, and an additional tank for the drink equipped with a nozzle. The water, which is brought to boiling temperature, lets the steam out of the special hole and signals that the stove must be turned off. At that point, the "cuccumella" is turned upside down and we will see that the water, which boiled before, will percolate coffee ground, collecting it in the container below.

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    Portioned formats

    The revolution of the last few years in the domestic field, is a practical and fast system for preparing coffee: pods and capsules.

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    Coffee pods are pre-packaged compostable paper filters containing portions of ground and pressed coffee.

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    Coffee Capsule systems have achieved unquestionable success in recent years, certainly due to their practicality in daily usage .
    The capsule systems are numerous and differ above all in the size of the capsule itself and the weight of coffee contained within it.
    The extraction method is similar to that of espresso, even if the coffee emulsion time varies.

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    Nespresso compatible capsules* are a practical and fast way to prepare coffee. They work exactly like traditional capsules but they adapt to Nespresso coffee machines.

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